Flight Deck Podcast

A Smile A Day...

Written by Sean Mobley | Tue, February 23, 2021

Unbridled wonder. The sort of joy that just seems to radiate out at you. That is the subject of today’s podcast episode, where Museum of Flight President and CEO Matt Hayes takes us back over 100 years to an historic aviation event in Los Angeles, captured in a photo of four women found in our Museum’s digital archives. He talks about the marvels the women may have been witnessing, as this was the first event in the United States where aircraft were really showcased to the masses. Imagine seeing something you’ve not only never seen before but have no mental reference to relate it to. That’s what these four women, and thousands of other spectators who braved a rare LA rain experienced. Take a listen to learn more, and make sure you see the photo for yourself! We could all certainly use a smile. 

If you wish to support the podcast and the Museum financially you can do so 
at this link. 

The texting keywords for today’s episode are: 



Text one of those words to (206) 487-7090 and you’ll get a link to the various photos sent back to you. 

You can also explore the entire Goodman L. Goodmanson collection in our Digital Archives at this link. 

Discover more about early aviation on your next visit to The Museum of Flight. Artifacts relating to this Los Angeles International Air Meet can be found in the Red Barn. Before you visit, check our website for the most up-to-date closure/opening information at https://museumofflight.org/. 



Host/Production – Sean Mobley 

Production – Megan Ellingwood 

Social Media Specialist – Tori Hunt 

Layne Benofsky - Webmaster