Flight Deck Podcast


Written by Sean Mobley | Tue, May 5, 2020

Host Sean Mobley brings the second part of this behind-the-scenes mini-series featuring the “extremes” of the Museum of Flight’s collection. Following on to our previous episode, where we blasted off to the moon with our smallest artifact (listen here https://blog.museumofflight.org/flightdeck/smallest-artifact) today we’re staying very close to home on our Museum of Flight campus to look at our Biggest artifact, something so big that moving it took boats, barges, and cranes!

You’ll hear from Amy Heidrick, the Museum’s Director of Collections, Sarah Frederick, our Collections Manager, Docent Paul Harvey, Archeologist Sarah Breiter, and Pacific Northwest Historian David Wilma as we go inside this artifact, while also exploring an existential dilemma museums around the world face: when does trying to preserve history actually do more harm than good?

The Flight Deck continues our popular text line feature which will give you exclusive access to photos and videos referenced during the podcast simply by texting the keywords listed below. Listen up for them during the episode to know when to text!

TEXT LINE: (206) 487-7090





The Museum of Flight · Biggest


During this unprecedented time, The Museum of Flight has been working hard to bring our collection to you through the help of virtual experiences and online activities for students and families. Explore our all-new Museum of Flight at Home feature which provides 3D tours of our aircraft, educational recourses, podcasts, videos and so much more!

Museum of Flight at Home: https://pages.museumofflight.org/museum-at-home

Discover the Museum’s online digital collection and learn more about our collections department by visiting the links below.

Digital Collections: https://digitalcollections.museumofflight.org/

About Collections: https://museumofflight.org/Explore-The-Museum/Collections-and-Research


Producer: Sean Mobley 

Webmaster: Layne Benofsky 

Social Media Specialist: Tori Hunt