Flight Deck Podcast

The Flying Boat

Written by Sean Mobley | Tue, April 13, 2021

Evoking images of glamorous air travel and high society, the Boeing 314 Clipper is one of the most romanticized aircraft in history. These massive flying boats ferried passengers, mostly for PanAm, to Hawaii and other vacation destinations. Museum of Flight Docent Bill McCutcheon shares the history of the Clipper, its prominent use by the government during World War II, and the legacy of this short-lived but well-remembered aircraft. 


If you wish to support the podcast and the Museum financially you can do so at this link. 

On your next visit to The Museum of Flight, make sure you spend some time in the Red Barn, which contains artifacts related to the Boeing 314 Clipper. Make sure you check our website for opening and ticket information at https://museumofflight.org/. 

Can’t come to the Museum? Listen to a recent podcast episode about the Red Barn at this link 




Producer: Sean Mobley 

Webmaster: Layne Benofsky 

Social Media Specialist: Tori Hunt