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The Gay History of Male Flight Attendants

The history of the gay men who still make up an unusually large percentage of the flight attendant labor force is not well known. Associate Professor of History at Kansas State University Phil Tiemeyer covered this topic in his book “Plane Queer: Labor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the History of Male Flight Attendants.” While the book covers almost a century of history, Phil sat down for an interview that focused on the HIV/AIDS crisis, and the way two flight gay male attendants with Pacific Northwest connections left their mark on history.

Full shownotes after the jump.


Link to donate to The Museum of Flight

Link to purchase Phil Tiemeyer’s book “Plane Queer: Labor, Sexuality, and AIDS in the History of Male Flight Attendants”

Link to Michelle Evans Episode, where she shares about a fellow Air Force veteran who died of HIV/AIDS

Link to Lynda Eck Episode, where she talks about being a stewardess for United Airlines

Link to Mary Hoy episode, where she also talks about being a stewardess with United Airlines

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