The Museum of Flight Blog

Your destination for stories and insights on all things aviation and aerospace.

What's New in the Collection?

November 7, 2021

As 2nd Lt. Walston B. Ten Eyck of the 96th Aero Squadron prepared to fly a bombing mission on October 27, 1918, he had no idea what the day would hold.... more >

Top 5 Things To Do at the Museum This Fall 2019

August 23, 2019

When the weather turns cold and rainy in Seattle, it's the perfect time to plan a trip to the Museum! This fall, we have fun events and activities sure to... more >

Pilot Profile: Candyce Henderson

August 5, 2019

For Candyce Henderson, First Officer for Frontier Airlines, it all began with Mae Jemison. “In the first grade, we were assigned to do a project about a... more >

Perspectives on the Vietnam War from Veterans at the Memorial Park Opening

July 13, 2019

Vietnam veterans from diverse backgrounds and experiences gathered with friends, family, and community supporters for the opening of our Vietnam Veterans... more >

Vietnam War Pilots and the Planes They Flew

July 3, 2019

Jerry Coy and Jay Fontaine served during the Vietnam War and flew the O-2A and the F-4. Their experiences flying during the war have left indelible marks... more >

Stories of a B-17 Pilot

June 29, 2019

The B-17 has seen its fair share of stories during its illustrious history. At The Museum of Flight, we are blessed to have the only flyable B-17F model... more >

Why The Concorde Was Discontinued and Why It Won't Be Coming Back

June 25, 2019

Thousands of Museum of Flight visitors step inside Concorde each year to admire its posh interior and imagine what it's like to fly at supersonic speeds.... more >

The Women Who Served During Vietnam

May 2, 2019

Darlene Jevne remembers the sweltering heat.

“When we landed, what I really remember is that it was so hot. The humidity was horrible,” she says,... more >

How To Investigate A Plane Crash

March 1, 2019

Commercial aircraft safety has improved dramatically over the years, but the history of aviation is replete with tragic incidents that cost many lives.... more >

Boeing, Bots, and the Future of AI in Aviation

January 28, 2019

We’ve all grown familiar with horror stories about technological mishaps involving personal assistant bots, like Alexa and Siri, and self-driving cars. In... more >

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